Business Continuity

Business Continuity Management is the responsibility of Senior Management as a fundamental requirement for solid corporate governance.

It also allows companies to adopt organizational and technological measures that will ensure the continuity of the processes “vital” to the company in the event of any incidents or problems that could put the company’s operations in crisis.

Depending on the scope of application, Business Continuity Management allows the company to be ready to respond in the event of an emergency, thanks also to the tests and periodic inspections carried out on behalf of the communication and control structures, i.e. the intervention and decision-making units, in the event of a threat to the company’s operations.


We cooperate with companies that want to implement a “Business Continuity Plan” (BCP) through the establishment, the assisted implementation and the testing of the same, making constant reference to the most well-known standards on the subject, such as ISO22301:2012.

The cornerstones of this activity can be summarized as follows:

  • The definition of the scope of the Study
  • Business Impact Analysis
  • Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Organizational plan (from the onset of the state of emergency to the restoration of the company’s operations to 100%)
  • Test
  • Plan maintenance and improvement

In implementing a BCP, we help companies more accurately define and delimit the problems that usually impede and discourage the Senior Management from undertaking this type of project. Mainly in terms of:

  • Costs: high costs to do not always need to be sustained in order to implement a BCP.
  • Comprehension: not yet having a business continuity plan, the top management does usually not fully understand its importance, and underestimates the value of having such a plan in the event of a crisis. We carefully delineate the scope of analysis in order to increase the effectiveness of the investments and the results.
  • Range: many business continuity plans focus too much upon the technology component, neglecting other equally critical aspects, such as the definition of decision-making roles in the event of an emergency. Our approach is never centred upon the technological solution in its own right, but rather focuses upon the plan as a whole, from an organizational, procedural and technological standpoint.
  • Conciseness: these plans are often accompanied by lengthy, hard-to-read documents that discourage the management from taking care of the matter. We seek to minimize unnecessary and “hazy” documents. A BCP must be applied, updated and improved, and therefore must be clear and easy to read, even in the event of an emergency by those who did not draft it.
  • Accuracy: the documentation and decisions made during the preparation of a BCP must be accurate, clear and precise.
  • Effectiveness: all this must be effective in achieving the plan’s objectives, which are of two types:
    1. Prevention: to avoid the occurrence of events that could affect the continuity of the company’s operations
    2. To minimize the impact in the event that a harmful event should occur.